Ozyasz Schmidt and Helena Lea Lamm

Ozyasz Schmidt, a 32-year-old diamond cleaver, and Helena Lea Lamm, a 28-year-old PE teacher, married in 1938, were both of Polish Jewish origin and had come to Belgium before the First World War.

Ozyasz Schmidt and Helena Lea Lamm at the beach on the Belgian coast, in 1937
Ozyasz Schmidt, a 32-year-old diamond cleaver, and Helena Lea Lamm, a 28-year-old PE teacher, married in 1938, were both of Polish Jewish origin and had come to Belgium before the First World War. These Jews from Antwerp were arrested together on 4 September 1942. Transport 9 deported them to Auschwitz-Birkenau on 12 September. There is no record of Ozyasz Schmidt after the arrival of the transport. Helena Lea Lamm is one of the few women to have been accepted into the concentration camp. Sent to work on 14 September, her good physical condition undoubtedly explains why she survived fifteen month’s captivity in Birkenau. The records state that she died in Auschwitz on 15 December 1943.
Publication info

ADRIAENS Ward, STEINBERG Maxime (et al.), Mecheln-Auschwitz, 1942-1944. The destruction of Jews and gypsies from Belgium, 4 volumes, Brussels, 2009

Dr. Maxime Steinberg & Dr. Laurence Schram