The Fligelman-Zentkowski family

Gerszen Fligelman was the first to emigrate from Poland in 1930. His wife, Szejra Zentkowski, and their sons, Abraham and Samuel, joined him a year later.

Samuel, 13 years old, and Abraham, 17 years old, in front of their father’s hairdressing salon, Rue Chavannes, in Charleroi - Their parents, Szejra Zentkowski and Gerszen Fligelman in the 1930s
Gerszen Fligelman was the first to emigrate from Poland in 1930. His wife, Szejra Zentkowski, and their sons, Abraham and Samuel, joined him a year later. The oldest son, Abraham, 17, and his father were called up. The mother, Szejra, 45, and the Samuel, 13, accompanied them to the Dossin Barracks. The only record of this Polish Jewish family after the arrival in Auschwitz is of the father, who survived for a month in captivity and died on 17 September 1942.




Publication info

ADRIAENS Ward, STEINBERG Maxime (et al.), Mecheln-Auschwitz, 1942-1944. The destruction of Jews and gypsies from Belgium, 4 volumes, Brussels, 2009

Dr. Maxime Steinberg & Dr. Laurence Schram