The Keller-Stammler family

Leser Keller, was a Polish Jew who had emigrated from Holland in 1920. Sara Stammler arrived two years later. Their three children were born in Antwerp.

Leser Keller and Sara Stammler, ca. 1930
Leser Keller, was a Polish Jew who had emigrated from Holland in 1920. Sara Stammler arrived two years later. Their three children were born in Antwerp: Paula in 1928, Mozes in 1929 and Rachel in 1936. The father was a tripe butcher by profession. They escaped when the great raids swept through their street, Transvaalstraat, even though eight people were arrested there, including one in the house where they lived. The Kellers were arrested in January 1943 and taken to the Dossin Barracks on the 8th. The entire family was put down for deportation on Transport 19, which left on 15 January 1943. The entire family disappeared without trace upon arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Publication info

ADRIAENS Ward, STEINBERG Maxime (et al.), Mecheln-Auschwitz, 1942-1944. The destruction of Jews and gypsies from Belgium, 4 volumes, Brussels, 2009

Dr. Maxime Steinberg & Dr. Laurence Schram