The Skarbek family

These Polish Jews from Antwerp, Jules Skarbek, 3, and his mother, Esther Freude Pech, housewife, 38 , were arrested on 25 August.

Jules Skarbek in the arms of his mother, Esther Freude Pech, in 1939 and Mojsiej Skarbek, the father
These Polish Jews from Antwerp, Jules Skarbek, 3, and his mother, Esther Freude Pech, housewife, 38 , were arrested on 25 August. The father, Mojsiej Skarbek, who had been registered as a Jew, was interned in the South of France. He was transferred from the Gurs camp to the Drancy Sammellager and was put on Transport 50 from France. After deportation on 4 March 1943, he disappeared without a trace upon arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Transport 6, one of the deadliest of all with an immediate execution rate of 88%, left Mechelen on 29 August 1942. A mother accompanied by a four-year-old boy would have had no chance at all.
Publication info

ADRIAENS Ward, STEINBERG Maxime (et al.), Mecheln-Auschwitz, 1942-1944. The destruction of Jews and gypsies from Belgium, 4 volumes, Brussels, 2009

Dr. Maxime Steinberg & Dr. Laurence Schram